MIC4AD is a proven, modular C4I command and control system for air and missile defence in threat-saturated environments. MIC4AD is a force multiplier offering multi-mission, multi-layer and multi-range C4I capabilities to ensure comprehensive air and missile protection.
A system that enables effective coordination of all Air and Air-to-Air Defence assets.
Deployed and in service in both NATO and NON-NATO environments.
Capable of facilitating threat neutralisation by coordinating and directing the various sensors and effectors that constitute air defence.
Integrated with systems: CAMM, Patriot, Giraffe, Spyder, etc.
Capable of generating the unified RAP using information from all existing force systems (sensors, TDL, etc.) and integrating external resources such as civil air traffic control data. Connected to the mission planning system, it provides threat assessment, target classification, interception plan, and the system assigns the most appropriate effector to neutralise the enemy track.